Sports Premium 2022 - 2023





Monitoring & Outcomes





Enhanced SLA with Sedgefield ssp



Plus extended SLA




  • Access to specialist coaching support throughout the year in PE lessons.
  • CPD for Teachers TA’s and HCEA everyone given opportunity to attend at least one CPD PE day.
  • Various sports taster days. Children have access to competitions and festivals throughout the year.
  • Wellbeing leaders training
  • Team up my school wellbeing support
  • PE deep dive
  • Interschool competitions in local areas, with other schools
  • KH – Monitor pupil progress. Teacher feedback.
  • Regular feedback from coach and teachers. Pupil progress.
  • Children have access to a wide range of sporting clubs with professional sports coaches.
  • Children have experience a wider variety of sports such as boccia, new age kurling, goal ball, badminton.
  • KH – Monitor pupils’ activity levels regarding participating in competitions and festivals. Pupil feedback –Staff feedback regarding potential G&T pupils.
  • PE Health Check  and deep dive completed annually to help us to continue to improve – booked September 2021 and January 2022


  • Teachers gain knowledge to continue high quality level of PE teaching
  • Skills gained to be disseminated around school staff
  • Pupils will have improved PE skills, teachers will have experience in more inter-school competitive situations and more ideas to bring to enhancing their PE lessons.



Teachers have had staff training within school regarding use of PE schemes and MATP traiing delivered to all staff during staff meeting


Pupils and staff have not had as many opportunities to access inter school competitions due to COVID restrictions and high numbers of cases in school stopping external visits


Deep dive completed in spriing term by KH with Go well and County Durham sport  - good feedback given


Impact summary


All pupils in school are booked to go to or have already been an inter school sports event.  Those few students who struggle to leave school have been entered into a MATP inter school virtual competition.

All staff have been offered Sports CPD this year, uptake is good.


So far this year we have had 3 whole school events including virtual gymnastics competition last term with the winners going to the inter school gymnastic competition.  We have had a glow in the dark sports event for yellow classes.  We have had a whole school archery day and are now working on our Musical Theatre performance with the whole school learning the dances for the event to be held in April 2023.


Deep dive support is booked for 1st March 2023  - continual improvement  - better never stops.


Staff from Durham Trinity are due to look around our PE facilities and programmes to help them improve their PE provision.


Impact summary May 2023


EDP meeting earlier in year went well - happy with amount of intra and inter competitions we attend how we are utilising our sports premium with Go Well.

OFSTED report mentioned PE in a positive way and mentioned the setup of intra school opportunities being a strength.

Deep dive by Go well was brought forward to prepare for OFSTED and we were told that they felt we were providing excellent opps for our pupils. 

Dragon ball day booked 17th May

Quidditch day booked 11th July

Sports day booked 26th June – 30th June

Rock climbing wall booked 30th June to access for all ages and abilities



Purchase of Activall board


  • Pupils will have access to a 12 game interactive board that provides pupils with high intensity physical activity, which supports the national guidelines for active 30.
  • Timetable of classes using the equipment which develops reaction times, physical fitness, teamwork etc
  • Pupils show progress in PE skills
  • Pupils show progress in health and wellbeing


  • Teachers will provide high quality lessons and more active school lifestyle
  • Pupils will enjoy a healthier lifestyle

All classes have access to activall board  - all pupils are developing their spped and reaction time using this board  - meeting some pupils  EHCP targets

Impact summary


All classes have a slot on timetable to use this is each week.  It is used regularly by some classes and those who have good responses to focus and attention. 

Dan supports the use by ensuring it is returned to its base and it is used correctly.  Any issues have been fixed quickly.



Impact summary May 2023


Still being used regularly

Had board fixed due to fault  - all fine now

Planned to be used as part of our sports week

Sports week is booked in for 26th – 30th June 2023



Physical Intervention resources


  • Pupils most in need for physical intervention have the resources and targets needed to make progress and develop their health and wellbeing.
  • Pupils are given MATP targets personalised to them
  • MATP ‘challenge day’ after 12 weeks of practice
  • Pupils succeed in reaching their target and present success to family

MATP resources used annually to provide platform for pupils to succeed and achieve

Basketball hoop purchased

Basketballs purchased

Bibs to be purchased


Impact summary May 2023

Resources have been bought including basketball free standing hoop, football goal, footballs

Bibs ordered


Autism provision physical development sessions


  • Pupils will develop their sensory regulation strategies
  • Pupils will engage more when regulated

Pupils have access to external agencies such as Pink gym, Athena, and ROF59


  • Teachers will develop strategies to use back in class for all future pupils
  • Pupils will develop self-regulation strategies to use in future

Not spent  - money to be re allocated to commando joes purchase

Impact summary 2023


Money reallocated


Geocache set up ->




  • Pupils will develop independence skills and problem solving skills
  • Pupils set up and take part in their own geocache activities within school and in the local area
  • Pupils will retain skills learnt and transfer these to future opportunities
  • Staff will use geocache within whole of school for PE lessons and independent life skills

Not purchased as commando joes provision deemed more supportive for pupils

May be purchased at a later date

Purchased Go well QR codes and orienteering set up

Impact summary

 Geocaching paused due to commando joes purchase being deemed more beneficial to our pupils

Impact summary May 2023


Geocache stopped

Used Go well to plan out and produce QR orienteering codes which myself and Dan have put up around KS1 field for use in PE

Issue with signal for IPads around KS1 field – need to find a way to expand the wifi signal out there to ensure high quality PE lessons can occur out there and the equipment is being used to its fullest.


Staff meeting was held to present this new equipment and deliver training on how to use it

Was held on last week before Easter in preparation for orienteering being taught may – whit week




Purchase of Commando Joes outdoor survival education package




  • Pupils will have a full RESPECT programme
  • Resilience, empathy, self-awareness, positivity, excellence, communication and team work
  • Pupils will learn skills in preparation for adulthood, and through the RESPECT programme qualities
  • Pupils will have an enriched physical education programme building on skills from other areas of PE and PSHED

Purchased – due to receive full training with the month

Impact summary


Commando joes training has been delivered to all staff in school.

All classes have a slot for commando joes on the timetable.

Some classes sue this weekly some by weekly.

Feedback from questionnaires indicate that some sensory and informal classes struggle to deliver the programme but 12 classes in the school enjoy the programme.

More work is needed to ensure that the characters and are in built into the skills they are learning and to link this to the character building or the 8 personal learning goals which are discussed in assembly each week.

Pupils are benefitting from learning team work, self-help, problem solving and resilience.


Impact summary 2023


Commando Joes is being used intermittently across school.  This is dependent upon the individual staff delivering it and what missions they are comfortable with.


Another training session is planned for September 2023 to develop staff confidence in using this within their PE and active lessons.




Musical theatre linked to physical and mental wellbeing intervention


  • Musical theatre activities linked to physical intervention and dance in the whole school PE timetable
  • All pupils have opportunity to perform in school play to an audience of parents and carers and wider family.
  • Stage to be hired with lights sound and technician

Pupils will show progress in dance practical skills and performance opportunity will build self esteem

Pupil will improve their self-confidence, self-worth and improve the wellbeing

Pupils are learning dances now.  Main parts and scripts have been given rehearsals are weekly and performance is booked for 26th and 27th April 2023.

Impact summary

So far all main parts have been given out, classes are on practicing dances, props and costumes are starting to be made.

Pupils are extremely excited to be involved in this.  Rehearsals are weekly.  Staging is booked and lights booked. Pupils will show increased confidence, self-worth and self-esteem.  It is hoped the parent school community link will be strengthened.



Impact summary May 2023

Musical theatre shows took place on 26th and 27th April 2023

All pupils identified from pupil wellbeing scales as needing improved confidence, friendship building and increased self esteem attended regarsals, completed dress rehearsals and performed in front of over 160 people across 3 shows.

Lights, sound and staging were provided and parents loved seeing the final product.

Thanks to Clive Chair of Governors for attending the performance.

Purchase of trophies was included to give to performers



Purchase of resources for general PE use


  • Footballs
  • Netballs
  • More bibs
  • Cones
  • Javelins

Pupils will have access tonew equipment which will enhace their PE lessons

Improved high expectations

Pupils have better learning through quality PE lessons


Extra curricular  session for those who cant attend clubs


Bouncy castle at summer fayre

Pupils and parents will enjoy an extra-curricular club

Improved parent and pupil wellbeing being and improved community cohesion