Committee Details

Committees and their members 2017/2018

Appeals Children's Community Finance, Premises
First/Pay Review Headteachers


Personnel School
Chair - TBA Chair -
Mr R Patel
Chair -
Mrs C Elsbury
Chair -
Mrs M Smith

Chair - Mr R Patel

Chair - N/A Chair -
Mrs M Smith
Chair -

Mrs C Elsbury

Mr P Bodo
Mrs A English
Mr C Hubery BEM
Mr F Ridley
Mr R Taylor
Mrs F Wood OBE


Mrs J Arnott
Ms J Benson
Mrs A English
Mrs D Ingyon
Mr F Ridley
Mr H Wilkinson

Ms J Benson
Mrs A English
Mr C Hubery BEM
Mr R Patel
Mrs B Richardson
Mr R Taylor

Mrs J Arnott
Ms J Benson
Mrs C Elsbury
Mrs A E English
Mr S Gray
Mr C Hubery BEM
Mr R Patel
Mr F C Ridley
Mr R T Taylor
Mrs J Arnott
Mrs C Elsbury
Mrs A English
Mrs L Kipling
Mrs A Smith
Mrs M Smith

Mr C Hubery BEM
Mr R Patel
Mrs M Smith

Ms J Benson
Mrs A English
Mr D Ford
Mr C Hubery BEM
Mr R Patel
Mr F Ridley
Mrs A Smith
Mr R Taylor
Mrs F Wood OBE

Ms J Benson
Mr P Bodo
Mrs A English
Mr C Hubery BEM
Mr F Ridley
Mrs A Smith
Mr H Wilkinson
Mrs F Wood OBE


Appeals Committee

Terms of reference

  • To consider any appeal against a decision to dismiss a member of staff made by the First/Pay Review Committee (or HT if delegated)
  • To consider any appeal against a decision under the new personnel procedures adopted by the Governing Body (e.g. disciplinary, pay review, capability for teachers etc)
  • To consider any appeal against selection for redundancy

Meetings: as and when necessary.

Children's Committee

Terms of Reference

  • Ensuring that the school meets health and safety requirements and review the school’s H&S policy regularly
  • Ensuring that PE is taught as part of the school curriculum and monitoring the quality and adequacy of provision
  • Promoting an ethos that encourages participation in competitive sport both within the school and between schools
  • Monitoring nutritional standards within the school to include school meals, snack provision and food available during wrap around provision
  • Ensure that the school’s policy on SEN is consistent with the code of practice and Disability Discrimination Act and that arrangements are made to ensure the policy is monitored and reviewed regularly. The policy is known to parents and carers.
  • Consider developing a whole school drugs policy
  • Decide whether or not to provide sex and relationships education and consult parents (primary). Agree the content and organisation of the school’s programme of sex and relationships education and notify parents of their right to withdraw their child (all secondary schools)
  • Monitor pupils’ attitudes, values and how other personal qualities are developed within the school through the provision of RE and PSHCE and that parents are told of their right to withdraw their child
  • Ensure the effective integration of children with SEN
  • Consider the provision of sex and drugs education. Secondary schools must ensure that sex education is provided
  • Ensure that adequate provision is made to make the building safe and secure, Health and Safety policy
  • Ensure the school is fulfilling its responsibilities regarding child protection and the requirements of Working Together to Safeguard Children
  • Anti- bullying and behaviour policies
  • Ensure that buildings and the learning environment are maintained and fit for purpose
  • Oversee the use of the premises by outside users
  • Establish and keep under review an asset management/building development plan
  • Establish and keep under review an accessibility plan

Suggested meetings: at least termly.

Community Committee

Terms of reference

  • Ensure the school has an effective behaviour and anti bullying policy. Monitor the implementation of this policy and its impact
  • Monitor the development of pupils’ attitudes, values and other personal qualities
  • Aims and values for the school are agreed and positive ethos for the school is promoted. Policy decisions are consistent with the agreed aims, values and ethos
  • Ensure that the school has an effective school council. The Governing Body takes account of the school council in determining the way in which the school is conducted
  • The school promotes inclusive policies that allow for the achievement of all pupils
  • Ensure that adequate provision is made for transition between primary and secondary education
  • Ensure that the school fulfils its statutory responsibilities in terms of Race discrimination
  • Ensure each child is able to reach their potential including the gifted and talented (differentiation)
  • Act as Pupil Discipline Committee for Permanent/Fixed Term exclusions
  • Complaints

Suggested meetings: termly or as required.

Finance, Premises & Pay Review

Terms of Reference

  • In conjunction with the Headteacher to draft the first formal budget plan of the financial year, for approval by the full Governing Body.
  • To establish and maintain an up to date 3 year financial plan.
  • To monitor income and expenditure, including virement decisions, significant anomalies from the anticipated position and report termly to the Governing Body.
  • To ensure the school operates within the financial regulations of the County Council and the requirements of the DfE Schools Financial Value Standard.
  • To monitor expenditure of all voluntary funds kept on behalf of the Governing Body.
  • To annually review charges and remissions policies and expenses policies.
  • To make decisions in respect of service level agreements.
  • To make decisions on expenditure following recommendations from other committees.
  • To prepare financial statements for inclusion in any reports to parents.
  • To ensure as far as is practical that any Health and Safety (H&S) issues are appropriately funded in accordance with priorities.
  • To ensure that Pay Review Committee and Pay Appeal Committee decisions are appropriately funded.

Meetings: termly, or each half term, planned to coincide with Oracle.

Disqualifications: when there may be a conflict of interest; a fair hearing is required; or a pecuniary interest. Associate members may not vote.

First/Pay Review Committee

Terms of Reference

  • To act in accordance with the Teachers’ Pay Policy adopted by the Governing Body
  • To report to the Finance Committee on Pay Review-related expenditure
  • To make any decisions under the personnel procedures adopted by the Governing Body e.g. disciplinary, grievance, ill health, capability etc where the Head Teacher is the subject of the action
  • To make any decisions relating to a member of staff (other than the Head Teacher) under the Personnel procedures adopted by the Governing Body (unless delegated to the Head Teacher)
  • Staffing reductions

Meeting: Autumn Term; as and when necessary.

Head Teacher's Performance Management

Terms of reference

  • To arrange to meet with the External Adviser or Education Development Partner to discuss the HT’s performance targets
  • To decide, with support from the EA or EDP whether the targets have been met and to set new targets annually
  • To monitor throughout the year the performance of the HT against the targets
  • To make recommendations to the appropriate committee in respect of awards for the successful meeting of set targets

Meetings: Autumn term plus monitoring visits.

Personnel Committee

Terms of reference

  • To carry out an annual review of the staffing structure in consultation with the Headteacher and the finance committee
  • To oversee the appointment procedure for all staff
  • To establish and review an appraisal policy for all staff
  • To keep under review work/life balance, working conditions and well being including the monitoring of absence
  • To make recommendations to the finance committee on Personnel related expenditure

Suggested meetings: As and when necessary.

NB Headteacher has lead responsibility for appointments outside of the leadership group.

School Committee

Terms of reference

  • Conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of education achievement
  • Set targets for achievement and monitor the school’s performance against these targets
  • Monitor the achievement of disadvantaged groups and the impact of policies on race, SEN, looked after children and disability on pupils, parents and communities
  • Contribute to the development and monitoring of the School Improvement plan and the SEF
  • Ensure that every child receives the full statutory curriculum that the school must provide
  • Ensure that a report on each pupil’s educational achievements is forwarded to the parents annually
  • Set attendance targets and monitor the school’s performance against these targets
  • Ensure the school has a curriculum policy that meets pupils’ needs
  • Ensure the school has policies on Race and Disability Discrimination
  • In general terms, monitor teaching and learning and the progress of pupils
  • Monitor the provision of extra curricular activities including overnight stays provided to encourage recreation and social development
  • Ensure the quality of education, teaching and learning
  • Plan to raise standards of achievement and monitor the school’s performance
  • Consider out-of hours provision (wrap around provision, study support, extended schools)
  • Ensure the school works well with its community, parents and other schools
  • Ensure the school meets the requirements of the SEN and relevant disability legislation
  • Ensure the school works effectively with other agencies to support vulnerable children and their families.

Suggested meetings: at least termly.