PSHED - Personal, Social, Health and Emotional Development. 

PSHED will help to teach key communication skills, vocabulary, strategies and the confidence to help manage issues when children encounter them (knowing how to seek help when necessary).

Essential skills and attributes will be taught through PSHED such as: 


Developing confidence and making the most of their abilities:  

  • Self-concept and self-awareness  
  • Self-esteem  
  • Self-knowledge  
  • Resilience  
  • Self-regulation  
  • Recognising and managing peer influence and pressure  
  • Self-organisation  
  • Strategies for identifying and accessing appropriate help and support  
  • Clarifying own understanding, values and beliefs and re-evaluating them in the light of new learning, experiences and evidence  
  • Recalling, revisiting, consolidating and applying knowledge and understanding in familiar as well as new situations  

Developing positive relationships and social effectiveness:  

  • Self-awareness  
  • Empathy and compassion  
  • Respect for others’ rights  
  • Communication skills  
  • Enterprise skills and attributes  
  • Respecting differences and similarities   
  • Consent  
  • Recognising and managing change  
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle  


PSHED lessons will be taught by: 

  • Breaking down the learning outcomes into smaller steps so that they form the basis of a lesson or series of lessons. 
  • Re-visiting, re-enforcing, consolidating and generalising previous learning, as well as introducing new concepts, knowledge and skills. 
  • Focusing on one aspect or a limited number of aspects within each stage. 
  • Re-visiting content through cross-curricular learning and/or through other activities in school. 
  • Offering both explicit and implicit learning opportunities and experiences which reflect pupils’ increasing independence (where applicable). 
  • Identifying pupils’ starting points to ensure learning outcomes match pupil’s needs. 
  • Including different sensory experiences at milepost 1 tailored to individual pupils, in addition to responding to adult prompting. 
  • Providing opportunities both in and out of school to promote physical, social and emotional understanding as pupils move from the primary phase through to the secondary phase.