Curriculum Enrichment

Our curriculum is enriched with whole school special events such as Science week, science fairs, curriculum topic ‘WOW’ days and days to celebrate diversity such as Diwali, Chinese New Year, World Cup and international schools. This promotes pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

Extra-curricular activities are organised both in and out of school.  An overnight residential experience is offered to a group of pupils in the summer term.  As well as this an annual trip to a pantomime is carried out by The Rotary Club. We also invite musicians, scientists, storytellers and theatre groups into school.

We use the community as an outside classroom to reinforce the work that we do in school. Children may swim at the local sports centre or visit a local museum or a café. The community provides a great place in which to apply and generalise new and emerging skills.

We foster strong links with the local and wider area to develop community cohesion. We forge close links and effective partnerships with local and other special schools.

As part of the wider curriculum we have identified the following 8:

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These are woven throughout our curriculum and in everything that we do. The Personal Learning Goals contribute to the personal and social development of our pupils by promoting an understanding and ability to demonstrate skills in these areas as they move throughout the school.